Tuesday, June 6, 2017

6 tough months

6 tough months without an update. The space was dusty and poor froggy had been blinking since 31 December 2016 till now.

I had been busy with my work and little one, that I barely have time to rest. I am a happy mom, but not a very happy worker. I made a change to my career and my career satisfaction is compromised. I was stressful and my health was ailing. Nonetheless, life moves on and as I am writing, I am reminding myself to look forward, not backward; to take things at a slower pace and to watch my health.

These days I am glad that sketching is keeping me sane. I could say that to LIVE in this city is a FEAT everyday. More often than not, it is demanding so much more than what you could offer. Sketching makes me thankful and cherish little moments, like when Isabella is able to sit unsupported.