Greeting cards, especially personalised greeting cards always have a special place in my heart. It is a means to send regards and love to someone we care -- friends & family, sometimes he or she might be a dear colleague/friend who is saying goodbye and moving on to a new chapter. While gifts might be a great way to send regards, greeting cards is a beautiful way to say something and it stays there forever, and the receiver could always reminisce they want in the near or far future. And the card, having standing the test of time, do have some sentimental value of that particular moment, at that time & day.
Because of this, some friends and family suggested that I should probably offer card-making services. Being always the buyer, it is indeed my first time being the seller and little did I know that it could be challenging and there are many things to learn along the way, but the reward is fulfilling. I started it small, as small as anyone who could afford a plate of Chicken Rice here in Singapore could afford a piece of personalised card.
Illustrating personalised greeting cards is a beautiful journey. It is like exchanging my cards with a story, in the process of understanding client's intention and requirement.
One morning, a client pinged me and we started with a light chat, and she told me her intention on buying a personalised cards for this coming Raya Aidilfitri (festival of breaking the fast). She told me her ideas on how she envisioned the card to be -- to have her husband and her, together with her toddler boy and a baby girl interacting with a ketupat. I gave her some suggestion, we hit it off and worked out together. It warmed my heart when she told me that she is sending this card to the United Kingdom to her husband as he could not be back for this year Raya Aidilfitri celebration here in Singapore. I gave my best effort to this card and the outcome was great. She liked it very much. The fact that I could make her happy through art made me feel happy and warm inside.
I finally tasted the first taste of accomplishment on putting a smile on someone through art and cards. It is akin to a zumba instructor who does well in making people happy when dancing, or a chef that makes good food that makes people beaming with smiles in satisfaction.
And these are the little things that keep me going.
Side note :
Ketupat is a type of dumpling made from rice packed inside a diamond-shaped container of woven palm leaf pouch, commonly found in Southeast Asia region eg. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philipine, Singapore and Brunei. Commonly served during Ramadan & Eid Mubarak (source : Wikipedia).

"Selamat Hari Raya, Ayah Halim."
simply meant "Happy Festival of Breaking Fast, Daddy Halim."
A heart warming message from the client to her husband, which I helped her to write inside the car
Illustrating personalised greeting cards is a beautiful journey. It is like exchanging my cards with a story, in the process of understanding client's intention and requirement.
One morning, a client pinged me and we started with a light chat, and she told me her intention on buying a personalised cards for this coming Raya Aidilfitri (festival of breaking the fast). She told me her ideas on how she envisioned the card to be -- to have her husband and her, together with her toddler boy and a baby girl interacting with a ketupat. I gave her some suggestion, we hit it off and worked out together. It warmed my heart when she told me that she is sending this card to the United Kingdom to her husband as he could not be back for this year Raya Aidilfitri celebration here in Singapore. I gave my best effort to this card and the outcome was great. She liked it very much. The fact that I could make her happy through art made me feel happy and warm inside.
I finally tasted the first taste of accomplishment on putting a smile on someone through art and cards. It is akin to a zumba instructor who does well in making people happy when dancing, or a chef that makes good food that makes people beaming with smiles in satisfaction.
And these are the little things that keep me going.
Side note :
Ketupat is a type of dumpling made from rice packed inside a diamond-shaped container of woven palm leaf pouch, commonly found in Southeast Asia region eg. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philipine, Singapore and Brunei. Commonly served during Ramadan & Eid Mubarak (source : Wikipedia).

"Selamat Hari Raya, Ayah Halim."
simply meant "Happy Festival of Breaking Fast, Daddy Halim."
A heart warming message from the client to her husband, which I helped her to write inside the car
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